High Healthcare Costs May Have Saved Me

High Healthcare Costs May Have Saved Me

Like many Americans, I also feel we need some medical reform. It does not seem fair that healthcare, our basic life foundation, comprises astronomical prices, subpar care, and unreliable coverage. However, as someone who tries to find the silver lining in every situation, I feel that high healthcare costs may have been advantageous. Perhaps the dysfunction of the healthcare system saved me rather than hindered my ability to heal.

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Just Eat The Bread: How Good Grains Benefit Gut Health

Just Eat The Bread: How Good Grains Benefit Gut Health

Contrary to what many health advocates believe, I am actually a huge fan of grains and disagree that grains are the culprit for our health concerns. In fact, grains are incredibly beneficial for optimal gut health!  The good bacteria in the gut (aka probiotics) thrive on the fiber and resistant starches that many grains provide. Without these vital nutrients, bacteria simply cannot survive in the gut. The problem with grains, however, stems from consuming them in their not-so-properly-prepared form, like highly processed grains laden with chemicals and toxins that absolutely wreak havoc on the gut. It is no wonder why we are gluten intolerant and have problems digesting these foods. Once you work towards healing the gut lining and repopulating the gut with a healthy balance of bacteria and fungi, you can likely tolerate grains and should incorporate them into your diet, as long as they are in their properly prepared form.

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3 Reasons Why You Should Attend A Wellness Retreat

3 Reasons Why You Should Attend A Wellness Retreat

Retreats seem to be popping up everywhere and becoming increasingly more common. Wellness retreats are quickly replacing the standard vacation as more people look to take charge of their own health. After leading a recent wellness retreat of my own and seeing the positive impacts on health that these getaways have, I was encouraged to write a post in hopes of inspiring others to attend more retreats. Here are my top reasons for why you should attend a wellness retreat:

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Healing is a Practice

Healing is a Practice

If you’ve ever struggled with anything in life, from illnesses to stress, I’m sure you’ve heard people say, “Just give it time, it’s a process.” While that is true, I have also come to the conclusion it is more fitting for healing to be a practice rather than a process.

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