6 Ways to Digest Foods Better

One of the most common symptoms my clients experience is feeling super full and bloated after eating. If you're struggling with these symptoms, it could mean several things... You could be eating too quickly, you might not be eating a balanced meal, or your body might not be adequately digesting the foods you eat.

As a nutritional therapist and certified GAPS practitioner, I know the importance of gut health and how it can affect your everyday life. By incorporating a few gut-health tips for digestion, you can start feeling better after eating without having to crash and take a nap or live with discomfort.

Here are six ways to digest your meals better:

1. Take digestive enzymes

One of my favorite tips for digestion is to take this go-to supplement before you eat a meal with a lot of fiber, protein, and fats: digestive enzymes. If you experience bloating and discomfort after eating, a digestive enzyme might be helpful in breaking down these foods so they’re more easily absorbed into the system. A compromised gut has an inability to digest foods properly so supplementing with an enzyme can give the gut a boost to help break down nutrients.

My go-to enzyme is No Bloat from Zenwise Health because it’s a comprehensive enzyme, containing several enzymes that help us break down fats, proteins, and carbs. Plus it contains probiotics as well, which not only help populate the gut with beneficial bacteria but also help break down foods. My recommendation is to take a digestive enzyme 30 minutes before eating but if you forget, you can take with or right after your meal as well.

2. Incorporate L-Glutamine

If you struggle with bloating after eating a meal or even the next day, L-Glutamine is another favorite supplement for gut health. L-Glutamine helps maintain the integrity of the intestinal lining and supports proper digestion. One of the main benefits of L-Glutamine is its ability to repair and regenerate the cells lining the GI tract, which can support leaky gut.

L-Glutamine reduces inflammation and enhances nutrient absorption. It also helps defend against harmful pathogens and toxins, promoting a healthy balance of gut bacteria. Taking an L-Glutamine supplement before bed or in the morning can help reduce bloat, decrease inflammation, and overall promote improved gut health.

3. Drink more water

You probably hear this one all the time. But in order to digest foods, your body needs water — a lot of it. Water helps ensure that the digestive system functions smoothly by aiding in the breakdown of food, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of waste. Water softens stool, making it easier to pass, thereby preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.

Staying hydrated also helps prevent the formation of painful digestive issues such as stomach ulcers and gastritis by providing a protective barrier for the stomach lining. By drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water per day, you can support your gut health by improving your digestion and overall well-being.

4. Take a walk after eating

Did you know that taking a walk after eating can help your body digest foods easier? Walking helps stimulate digestion by encouraging the movement of food through the digestive tract. It also aids in reducing bloating and discomfort, allowing you to enjoy your meals without feeling sluggish afterward.

My rule of thumb is to go for a 10-to-15-minute walk 30 minutes after eating a meal. This will ensure you're not rushing through your meal, while also waking up your body after so the process of digestion begins.

5. Eat your veggies and fruits

If you're experiencing a lot of bloating, it's important to consider what elements are on your plate. Eating too many vegetables and fruits can upset an unstable gut, but not eating enough produce can make you constipated. Fruits and veggies are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and promote a healthy microbiome.

Fiber acts as a prebiotic, fueling the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut and aiding in digestion. The antioxidants found in produce helps reduce inflammation in the gut, supporting overall digestive health and reducing the risk of GI disorders. One of my favorite ways to incorporate more fiber is by consuming more soups and smoothies as this is much easier for the gut to digest. Find my delicious soup recipes or my healthy smoothie recipes that will help you get in your daily fiber.

6. Get enough protein every day

Protein is an essential nutrient that supports healthy digestion. Incorporating lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, beans, and tofu into your meals can promote a healthy gut, help you feel full longer, and improve overall digestion.

One of my favorite ways to get in protein every day is by making a homemade bone broth recipe. Bone broth is a nutrient-rich liquid made from simmering bones and connective tissue from chicken and beef. It's packed with collagen, gelatin, and amino acids that support gut health and digestion. Check out a few of my favorite bone broth recipes below:

  1. Classic Chicken Bone Broth recipe

  2. Beet & Sweet Potato Bone Broth recipe

  3. Veggie Broth recipe (great for vegans and vegetarians and packed with veggies that also support a strong gut lining)

  4. Coconut Curry Bone Broth recipe

Ready to improve your digestion? Start by adding in more water, produce, and protein. Then aid in digestion, add in digestive enzymes and an L-Glutamine supplement. Finally, don't forget about getting in some light walking or exercise after a meal — it will help kickstart the process of digestion.

Another great way to improve your digestion is with my FREE 3-Day Gut Reset that features delicious gut-healthy recipes and health tips. After three days, your gut will experience a mini reset that will help reduce your bloating and inflammation.

Download the Gut Reset guide.