3 Simple Ways to Start Implementing the GAPS Diet Now: Part 1

I hear from a lot of people that they’re interested in implementing a healing diet such as the GAPS Diet but the stages are absolutely daunting and they simply do not have time to worry about the eliminations. Well there’s good news: you can start implementing parts of the diet now! Although you may not receive the full healing benefits of the stages of the GAPS Diet, incorporating these three important components of the diet are a great way to start. Over the next 3 weeks, I will be discussing 3 simple ways to start introducing some of the most healing benefits of the GAPS Diet. 

Let’s start by briefly discussing: What is the GAPS Diet?

The GAPS Diet was founded by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride and is based off of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) with the primary idea of healing the gut. Did you know that roughly 70% to 80% of the immune system lies in the gut? The GAPS Diet focuses on a healing protocol of various stages that are meant to increase nutrients specifically targeted to help heal the gut lining. The GAPS Diet also focuses on repopulating the gut with beneficial bacteria that has diminished over time, allowing harmful bacteria to flourish causing the potential spread of diseases and illnesses. 

Ok now that we have a general understanding of the diet, let’s review the first way to start Implementing the GAPS Diet Now!

Bone Broth


I think bone broth is by far the most important component of the GAPS Diet and the most healing food one can implement. I strongly encourage everyone to start making broth and incorporating it into your diet daily.

There are countless health benefits of bone broth, but to name a few, bone broth is great for gut healing as it contains nutrients like collagen and L-Glutamine that are incredibly nourishing and healing to the gut lining. Bone broth is also wonderful for hydration as it contains minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium that are essential for maintaining hydration.  Bone broth is also fantastic for joint health as it is anti-inflammatory and contains several nutrients that that support the muscular and skeletal system like collagen and gelatin. Bone broth is also rich in protein and fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K.

The healing properties of bone broth are endless! I always joke with people that Bone Broth is the new Windex. For those of you that have seen the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you’ll know that the dad puts Windex on absolutely everything, convinced it is the ultimate cure. Well, I feel the same way, but about bone broth!


I have a couple bone broth recipes on my website that are great to get started: Turkey Bone Broth and Lemon Chicken Bone Broth. A few tips for making broth, especially if it’s your first time are:

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  • Always make sure your bones are well sourced! This means from a reliable producer that attests to the highest standards in raising their animals. Bone broth is the litmus test of quality of life for the animal. If you use bones from an animal that has been fed a diet unnatural to their habitat and has lived in inhumane conditions, your broth will contain impurities. Using well sourced bones also allows for a more nutrient dense broth since studies show humanely treated animals are more nutritious than animals fed an unnatural diet in poor living conditions.


  • If this is your first broth, try starting out with this simple Lemon Chicken Bone Broth recipe. I think chicken is the most tolerable broths and is great for first timers. The flavor of this broth is so light and tasteful that it is wonderful to sip on throughout the day but also tastes great in recipes for other soups and stews.


  • You may also want to try making a meat stock first and gradually easing into bone broth. You see, bone broth can be difficult for people to handle if their guts are not healed. Meat stock, however, can be much easier to digest and is a great way to gradually introduce your body to broths. To make, place a large cut of meat (roasts work well) in the slow cooker with your choice of veggies, herbs, and spices, fill with filtered water, and set on low until meat is cooked (usually a few hours). Not only is the meat delicious to eat, but the broth is an excellent source of nutrients that is a great first step into making bone broth. When your body can tolerate meat stock, you can begin making bone broth.

I cannot stress how important I believe bone broth is to optimal health. I always have some on hand in my refrigerator and usually one brewing on the side. I use broth in just about any recipe, subbing water for broth when available. I have come to notice how easy it is to make incredibly delicious meals in such a short amount of time just because of the amazing flavor from the broth.

Tell me below, have you made a bone broth before? And if so, have you noticed any changes to your health? I can't wait to hear!!