Popcorn Party Mix

Shop my Popcorn Party Mix on my Amazon store HERE!

Snacking does not have to be unhealthy which is why I created this fun and simple Popcorn Party Mix. Popcorn is actually great for gut health, if prepared properly, meaning purchasing plain organic, non-GMO popcorn kernels and popping them in a good quality fat (like high oleic sunflower seed oil, ghee, or coconut oil). When prepared properly, popcorn is an excellent source of prebiotic fiber, or essentially a food source for the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

This snack mix is so simple to assemble, it even tastes great without adding in any fix-ins and just served as-is after toasting in the oven! This mix is also super versatile, you can add any fix-ins to your liking. I used chocolate gems, marshmallows, and sliced almonds but you could also throw in raisins, peanuts, and chocolate chips for variations. This makes for a healthier holiday snack or even special treat for parties or movies. Hope you enjoy!


  • 2TBS + 3TBS High Oleic Sunflower Seed Oil

  • 1/4C popcorn kernels (or about 3C popped kernels)

  • 1tsp cinnamon

  • 2TBS honey

  • 1/8tsp almond extract

  • 1/4tsp vanilla extract

  • Fix-ins to your liking: Marshmallow, sliced almonds, chocolate

  1. Preheat oven to 325*F.

  2. In a saucepan, heat 2TBS oil then add kernels and allow to pop, giving the pan a few good shakes in between popping to reduce burning.

  3. Once all the kernels have popped, transfer to bowl and allow to cool.

  4. Meanwhile, combine 3TBS oil, cinnamon, honey, and extracts in a mixing bowl.

  5. Add popcorn to mixing bowl and combine until well coated.

  6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread popcorn mixture over sheet.

  7. Bake for about 3-5 minutes until lightly toasted, using a spoon to mix every minute or so to avoid burning.

  8. Remove from oven and allow to cool.

  9. Transfer to a large serving bowl and add your fix-ins of choice! I added equal parts marshmallows, chocolate, and sliced almonds.